
transitional justice

Translation DE: Unrechtsaufarbeitung
Definition:…itional_justice "Transitional justice generally refers to a range of approaches that states may use to address past human rights violations and includes both judicial and non-judicial approaches. They include series of actions or policies and their resulting institutions, which may be enacted at a point of political transition from violence and repression to societal stability. Transitional justice is informed by a society’s desire to rebuild social trust, repair a fractured justice system, and build a democratic system of governance. The core value of transitional justice is the notion of justice: not necessarily criminal justice, but other forms of justice as well. This notion and the political transformation, such as regime change or transition from conflict, are thus linked toward a more peaceful, certain and democratic future." (WP)


Do NOT use: Übergangsjustiz

16 April 2010


Aufarbeitung von Unrecht; Unrechtsaufarbeitung in Transitionsprozessen


DETERM, United Nations Terminology in German:…lcomeE?OpenPage

modified: 16.04.2010
created: 06.06.2017